
Backend testing,What is it? and How to Perform?

Backend testing is a type of SoftwareTesting which is crucial for ensuring that the application can manage the anticipated traffic and deliver a trustworthy and secure user experience. The focus of backend testing are database, APIs, and server-side code.

Database testing entails putting the database through its paces to make sure it can manage the anticipated load and execute transactions precisely and quickly. The security of the database is also tested as part of database testing to guard against unwanted access and alteration.

API testing entails examining the APIs of the program to make sure they function as intended and can support the anticipated demand. The security of the APIs is also tested as part of API testing to keep them safe from unwanted access.

Server-side testing entails evaluating the server-side code of the application to make sure it functions properly and can support the expected load. The security of the server-side code is also tested as part of server-side testing to keep it safe from unwanted access.

Here are a few particular instances of backend tests:

  • checking the database’s capacity to manage lots of active users and transactions at once.
  • evaluating the database’s efficiency at handling complex queries.
  • The security of the database is being tested to prevent unwanted access and change.
  • evaluating the API’s capacity to manage many concurrent requests.
  • The handling of complex requests via the API is being tested.
  • checking the security of the API to prevent illegal access.
  • evaluating the server-side code’s capacity to manage lots of active requests at once.
  • evaluating the capacity of the server-side code to handle complex requests.
  • assessing the security of the server-side code to guard against unauthorized access.

Backend testing is crucial to the process of creating software. Organizations can assist in ensuring the dependability, security, and scalability of their software systems by carrying out extensive backend testing.

Goals for Backend Testing

The following are some goals for backend testing:

  1. Check that the server-side code, including the APIs and the database, functions as intended. To do this, verify the code’s accuracy and adaptability to various input- and output scenarios.
  2. Make sure the application, including the APIs and the database, performs well under various load scenarios. This involves evaluating the application’s capacity to manage high traffic levels and its timeliness in responding to user requests.
  3. Check the application’s security against common vulnerabilities. This covers testing for denial-of-service attacks, SQL injection, and cross-site scripting.
  4. Find and correct errors in the server-side code. By doing so, the application’s overall quality can be raised, and fewer errors will be made when it is used in real-world settings.
  5. Make sure the application satisfies the needs of users and stakeholders. By doing this, issues and delays later on in the development process are avoided.

Backend Testing Types

The following testing categories are included in backend testing:

Structural testing :

Structural testing confirms that every component of the database is primarily in charge of storing the data. Schema testing, table testing, column testing, trigger testing, and database server validation testing are examples of structural testing types.

Functional testing:

This process verifies that the application’s functionality is compatible with the database and APIs. Here, you can put any additional functional testing that has to be performed on the server side.

Non-functional testing:

Non-functional testing assesses the load and stress placed on the database and APIs, which helps to improve the performance of the database and the application. Stress testing and load testing are examples of non-functional testing. This can also include any other non-functional testing that has to be performed on the server side.

Schema Testing:

This kind of backend testing verifies the database’s organizational structure. It guarantees that the database is appropriately defined and capable of data storage and retrieval.

Database And API

The database and APIs are examined during security testing for flaws like SQL injection, cross-site scripting, and denial-of-service attacks. This can be achieved by making carefully thought-out requests to the APIs and then evaluating the responses.

How Should a Back-End Testing Plan Be Created?

A test plan ensures that you remember to perform any tests and serves as a reminder to carry out the crucial test procedures. When developing a backend testing strategy, bear the following in mind:

  1. Backend language: In contrast to the frontend, there is no graphical user interface (GUI). To conduct any testing, you should be familiar with and knowledgeable about the language used in the backend.
  2. Database: In order to do tests like schema testing, table and column testing, trigger testing, etc., you should have a basic grasp of the database.
  3. Establish a checklist: When evaluating the application backend, make a list of the test cases and features for which you’ll write test cases.
  4. Determine which APIs require testing: This entails listing all of the many APIs that the program utilizes, along with the various API versions.
  5. Choose your equipment: Pick a useful tool to make the test development life cycle’s testing procedure easier.
  6. Define the testing parameters: Choosing which API features, such as functionality, performance, and security, will be tested is part of this process.
  7. Create test cases: This entails creating a collection of test cases that will cover all possible applications for the APIs.
  8. Choose a testing tool: API testing tools are readily available. The tool you use should be suitable for the particular requirements of both your testing team and your application.
  9. Implement the test cases: Running the findings requires confirming them.
  10. Report the findings: This entails writing a report that details the testing findings and pinpoints flaws.

How can backend testing be done?

Backend testing is a crucial step in the creation of software. You can make sure your application is thoroughly tested and prepared for deployment by using the preceding suggestions.

  1. Plan your tests before you begin: Planning your tests is essential. This entails figuring out the precise portions of the program that require testing as well as the precise tests that must be carried out.
  2. Once you have a plan in place, you must write test cases to validate it.The tests to be run are described in great detail in test cases. They ought to contain the information needed to conduct the test, the input data, the anticipated results, and the procedures
  3. Pick the appropriate tools: There are numerous tools for backend testing. Your budget, available resources, and the particular application you are testing will determine the best tool for you.
  4. Test automation: You ought to test automation. Your time and work will be saved, and doing this will also help to make sure that your tests can be repeated.
  5. Run your tests: You must run your tests after creating your test cases and selecting your tools. This should be carried out in a methodical and repeatable manner.
  6. Analyze the outcomes: You must do this once your tests have been completed. This entails determining any flaws that were discovered and any components of the application that require more testing.
  7. Fix the flaws: You must address any flaws that you have found. This is an essential step in the testing process since it guarantees that the program is error-free before it is made available for use in production.
  8. Iterative testing is a process that is repeated. Until you are certain that the application is prepared for release, repeat the process.

Process for Backend Testing

The steps in the backend testing procedure are listed below, along with a brief description of each step:

  1. Planning: The testing procedure must be planned as the initial stage. This entails determining the precise application components that require testing as well as the precise tests that must be carried out.
  2. Design: The tests must be designed after the testing plan has been put in place. To do this, test cases—exact descriptions of the tests that must be performed—must be created.
  3. Development: Writing the test automation scripts is the next stage. You will conduct your tests using automated tools at this point.
  4. Analysis: The results from the tests must be examined once they have been run. Here, you will note any flaws that were discovered.
  5. Reporting: The outcomes of the testing process are recorded in the last stage. This includes recording the flaws that were discovered and any suggestions for improvement.


Become the master of backend testing with GrotechMinds’ Automation testing with selenium course . Our Test Automation Course provides an overview of backend testing types and how to perform them, ensuring you master the skills needed for full web testing with Selenium.

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