Top 18 java collection interview questions (2024)
1. Differentiate between Collection and collections in the context of Java.
Collection | Collections |
1. It is an interface. The interface can also contain abstract and default methods. | 1. It is a class |
2. It extends the iterable interface. | 2. It extends the Object class. |
3. Collection has got many interface and classes in it. | 3. It has lot of methods that can be used to work on the collection. |
4. It doesn’t have any direct implementation as it is an interface. But you can implement the collection interface by using various Java classes, like ArrayList, HashSet, and PriorityQueue. | 4. As it is a final class, meaning it can not be subclassed. It doesn’t have any public constructors, so its methods are accessed statically. |
ArrayList | LinkedList |
1. ArrayList acts as List | 1. LinkedList acts as List & Deque. |
2. The underlying data-structure of ArrayList is a growable and resizable array. | 2. The Underlying data-structure of LinkedList is “Doubly LinkedList” OR “Circular LinkedList”. |
3. Memory efficient. It only stores the object in the list. | 3. Memory is inefficient. It stores the object and the pointers to next and previous nodes. |
4. ArrayList are good for retrieval operations. | 4. LinkedList are good for insertion or deletion operations. |
5. ArrayList are worst for insertion or deletion operations. | 5. LinkedList is the worst for retrieval operations. |
Feature | ArrayList | Vector |
Synchronization | Not synchronized | Synchronized |
Thread Safe? | Not thread-safe | Thread-safe |
Performance | Faster due to no synchronization | Slower due to synchronization overhead |
Growth Factor | Increases its size by 50% | Doubles its size |
Legacy | Part of collection framework | Part of the original version of Java (1.0) |
Enumeration | Uses Iterator | Uses Enumeration and Iterator |
List | Set |
1. List is an Index based data Structure. | 1. Set is not an index based data Structure. It stores the data according to hashcode values. |
2. List Can Store Duplicate Elements. | 2. Set does not allow storing duplicate elements. |
3. List can store any number of null values. | 3. Set can store only one null value in it. |
4. List follows the insertion order. | 4. Set does not follow the insertion order. |
5. We can iterate (get) the list element by Iterator and ListIterator. | 5. We can Iterate the set elements by Iterator only. |
6. ArrayList, LinkedList, Vector and Stack are implemented classes of List. | 6. HashSet, LinkedHashSet, TreeSet are implemented classes of Set. |
Iterator | ListIterator |
1. We can get an Iterator cursor by iterator() method. Iterator itr=l.iterator(); | 1. We can get ListIterator cursor by listIterator() method. ListIterator litr=l.listIterator(); |
2. Iterator cursor can be used with any Collection object. | 2. ListIterator cursor can be used with only List implemented classes. i.e. ArrayList, LinkedList, Vector & Stack. |
3. Iterator Methods are: hasNext(), next(), remove(). | 3. ListIterator Methods are: hasNext(), next(), hasPrevious(), previous(), remove(), set(). |
4. By using the Iterator cursor, We can retrieve the elements only in forward direction. | 4. By using ListIterator cursor, We can retrieve the elements in forward & backward direction. |
5. By using the Iterator cursor, We can read & remove the elements. | 5.By using ListIterator cursor, We can read, remove, replace & add the elements. |
Array | Collection |
Can store only homogeneous value |
It can store both homogeneous and heterogeneous value. |
Arrays are known for its fixed size we cannot increase or decrease the size of an array at run time |
Here we can increase or decrease the size of a collection at run time |
Arrays is a in built feature of java but we have to develop the logic |
Collection framework is an API which provides classes, methods and interfaces <in it |
Syntax: String name[]=new String[3]; or String name[]={""RAM"",""Vishnu"",""Sham""}; |
Syntax: ArrayList a1=new new ArrayList(); |
Feature | Array | ArrayList |
Size | Fixed size | Dynamic size |
Type | Can hold primitives and objects | Can hold only objects |
Syntax | int[] arr = new int[10]; | ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); |
Memory Allocation | Allocated at compile-time | Allocated at runtime |
Type Safety | Type safe | Type safe with generics |
Iterator | No built-in iterator | Supports Iterator and ListIterator |
Usage | Used when the size of the array is known and fixed | Used when the size is dynamic and can change |
We can add null elements in a HashSet but we cannot add null elements in a TreeSet.
Collection Type | Class | Thread Safe | Synchronized |
List | |||
ArrayList | No | No | |
Vector | Yes | Yes | |
LinkedList | No | No | |
Stack | Yes | Yes | |
Set | |||
HashSet | No | No | |
LinkedHashSet | No | No | |
TreeSet | No | No | |
Map | |||
HashMap | No | No | |
Hashtable | Yes | Yes | |
LinkedHashMap | No | No | |
TreeMap | No | No | |
Dictionary | Yes | Yes | |
WeakHashMap | No | No | |
IdentityHashMap | No | No | |
Properties | Yes | Yes | |
Queue | |||
LinkedList | No | No | |
PriorityQueue | No | No | |
ArrayDeque | No | No |
Double | 50% Increase | Grows dynamically | 0.75 * current capacity |
Collection Type |
Class |
Growth Strategy |
Threshold |
List | |||
ArrayList |
Increases its capacity by 50% of the current size |
When the current capacity is exceeded | |
Vector |
Doubles its size (100% increase) |
When the current capacity is exceeded | |
LinkedList |
Grows dynamically (doubly linked list) |
No threshold | |
Stack | |||
Stack |
Inherits Vector's growth strategy (doubles its size) |
When the current capacity is exceeded | |
Set | |||
HashSet |
Increases its capacity when it reaches the load factor (default 0.75) |
0.75 * current capacity | |
LinkedHashSet |
Increases its capacity when it reaches the load factor (default 0.75) |
0.75 * current capacity | |
TreeSet |
Grows dynamically |
No threshold | |
Map | |||
HashMap |
Increases its capacity when it reaches the load factor (default 0.75) |
0.75 * current capacity | |
Hashtable |
Doubles its size when it reaches its threshold (size * load factor) |
Size * load factor (default load factor is 0.75) | |
LinkedHashMap |
Increases its capacity when it reaches the load factor (default 0.75) |
0.75 * current capacity | |
TreeMap |
Grows dynamically |
No threshold | |
Dictionary |
No specific growth strategy (legacy class) |
Not applicable | |
WeakHashMap |
Increases its capacity when it reaches the load factor (default 0.75) |
0.75 * current capacity | |
IdentityHashMap |
Increases its capacity when it reaches the load factor (default 0.75) |
0.75 * current capacity | |
Properties |
Inherits Hashtable's growth strategy |
Size * load factor (default load factor is 0.75) | |
Queue | |||
LinkedList |
Grows dynamically (doubly linked list) |
No threshold | |
PriorityQueue |
Doubles its size |
When the current capacity is exceeded | |
Deque | |||
ArrayDeque |
Doubles its size |
When the current capacity is exceeded |
Remove(Object)->It Removes the particular object from the Collection.
RemoveAll(Collection)->It removes the entire collection from the given Collection.
Remove Method:
Remove All Method:
Code Snippet:
package automation_batch42;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class ArrayListProgram {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ArrayList a1=new ArrayList();
System.out.println("Before Removal-> "+a1);
System.out.println("After Removal-> "+a1);
ArrayList a2=new ArrayList();
System.out.println("Before Removal-> "+a2);
a2.removeAll(a1);//we are removing the entire a1 collection from a2 collection
System.out.println("After Removal-> "+a2);
13. Demonstrate ArrayList Class Methods.
Some of the ArrayList Methods are:
add(E e)
addAll(Collection c)
contains(Object o)
containsAll(Collection c)
remove(Object o)
removeAll(Collection c)
Code Snippet:
public class ArrayDemo {
public static void main(String[] args)
ArrayList al=new ArrayList();
System.out.println(al); // output will be [100, 200, 300]
Code Snippet:
public class ArrayDemo {
public static void main(String[] args)
{ ArrayList al=new ArrayList();
System.out.println(al); // output:- [100, 200]
ArrayList al2=new ArrayList();
System.out.println(al2); // output:- [aa, bb]
System.out.println(al); // output:- [100, 200, aa, bb]
Code Snippet:
public class ArrayDemo {
public static void main(String[] args)
ArrayList al=new ArrayList();
System.out.println(al); // Output: [aa, bb]
System.out.println("After Clearing the data "+al); // Output: []
Code Snippet:
public class ArrayDemo {
public static void main(String[] args)
ArrayList al=new ArrayList();
System.out.println(al.contains("aa")); // Output: true
Code Snippet:
public class ArrayDemo {
public static void main(String[] args)
ArrayList al=new ArrayList();
ArrayList al2=new ArrayList();
System.out.println(al.containsAll(al2)); //Output: true
Code Snippet:
public class ArrayDemo {
public static void main(String[] args)
ArrayList al=new ArrayList();
System.out.println(al.isEmpty()); // Output: false
Code Snippet:
public class ArrayDemo {
public static void main(String[] args)
ArrayList al=new ArrayList();
System.out.println(al); //output: [aa, bb]
System.out.println(al); // Output: [bb]
Code Snippet:
public class ArrayDemo {
public static void main(String[] args)
ArrayList al=new ArrayList();
System.out.println(al); // Output: [aa, bb]
ArrayList al2=new ArrayList();
System.out.println(al); // Output: [bb]
Code Snippet:
public class ArrayDemo {
public static void main(String[] args)
ArrayList al=new ArrayList();
System.out.println(al.size()); // Output: 2
14. Types of Data Structure in Java.
15. What are cursors in Java?
A Java Cursor is an Iterator, which is used to iterate or traverse or retrieve a Collection or Stream object’s elements one by one. There are three cursors in Java.
1) Iterator 2) ListIterator & 3) Enumeration.
- Enumeration is the cursor which is used to retrieve Collection objects one by one.
- Enumeration was introduced in JDK 1.0 version.
- Enumeration cursor can be used only with Legacy Classes. i.e. Vector & Stack.
- Enumeration Cursor can be get by elements() method.
Enumeration e = v.elements();
- Methods of Enumeration cursor are:-
hasMoreElements(), nextElement()
- Enumeration cursor can be used to retrieve the elements only in forward direction.
- Enumeration cursor can be used only for read operations.
Code Snippet:
public class Test
public static void main(String[] args)
Vector v=new Vector();
Enumeration e= v.elements();
16. What are legacy classes in java?
In JDK 1.0 version java provides classes and interfaces in which we can store the data/Objects.
for e.g: Vector, Stack, Hashtable, Properties, Dictionary.
In JDK 1.2 version collection Framework was Introduced.
Legacy Classes:
Some classes i.e. Vector, Stack, Hashtable etc. was introduced in JDK 1.0 version but when collection framework was introduced in JDK 1.2 version these classes were modified or re-engineered so that they can be adjusted in new collection hierarchy, so these older classes are known as Legacy classes.
17. Demonstrate Java Collections sort and reverseorder methods.
Code Snippet:
package automation_batch42;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
public class ArrayClassMethods
public static void main(String[] args) {
ArrayList a1=new ArrayList();
System.out.println("After Sorting in Ascending order Result will be-> "+ a1);
Collections.sort(a1, Collections.reverseOrder());
System.out.println("After Sorting in descending order result will be-> "+a1);
18. Does Collection class inherit Object Class?
Yes, the Object class is the root class of the entire class Hierarchy.
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