Operating Systems supported by Playwright
Playwright is an open source test automation tool that has become very much popular due to its parallel and cross browser automation testing capabilities. It has been developed by Microsoft in the year 2020 and it supports automation testing of various web based applications across different browsers like Chromium, FireFox, Webkit etc. The most unique feature of Playwright is that it is platform independent thus making it easier,flexible and powerfull for developers and testers working in different environments. In this blog we will study about the operating systems supported by Playwright and their impact in enhancing the quality of the web applications.
What is Playwright?
Playwright is a NodeJS library framework that brings forth an API for effective interaction with web browsers. As compared to Selenium it ensures faster execution of tests, offers faster parallel and cross browser automation and immense support for modern web based technologies. Using Playwright testers can automate actions of web browsers,perform automation testing on websites, interact with different web pages of website and so on.
Different Operating Systems Supported By Playwright
Below are the different operating systems supported by Playwright
Windows is one of the most popular operating system officially supported by Playwright. As it is widely used for development in corporate and enterprise environments, its integration with playwright is essential for the user base of Playwright.
Important Considerations for Windows
- Installation of Browser: Browsers like Chromium, WebKit, Firefox etc. are automatically installed by Playwright during setup. Window operating system has a direct process of browser installation and all the inbuild libraries and dependencies work effectively.
- CI/CD integration: Playwright can be seamlessly integrated with window based Continuous Integration(CI) systems as well as with other tools like GitHub actions,Jenkins,Azure Devops etc.
- Microsoft Edge: Playwright is compatible with Microsoft Edge for seamless execution of automation test scripts. This feature helps testing team to test the application across multiple browsers.
Using Window operating system, developers and testers can utlilise the capabilities of playwright for performing functional as well as end to end testing.While performing on .Net or a NodeJS based project, playwright can be seamlessly integrated with the existing test workflow.
Playwright supports macOS which is mostly used by developers for performing web development and mobile based application testing. Playwright’s compatibility with macOS enables developers working in the Apple ecosystem to effectively perform their tasks.
Important Considerations for macOS
- Native Webkit support: Webkit is an engine used by Safari driver on macOS and iOS devices. One of the main advantage of using Playwright on macOS is its native support for Webkit as it has been a challenge for performing automation testing using Webkit.
- Management of Browser: Playwright can automatically manage browser installations and configurations on macOS. In addition to this the mac users can also perform some extra customizations and updates.
- Cross-Platform Development: Sometimes mac users need to perform automation testing on mac as well as in windows operating systems. The cross platform capabilities of playwright enables developers to write test scripts on mac so that it can be executed across different platforms.
Playwright enables testers working on mac operating system to execute automated tests across multiple browsers like Chromium, Firefox, Webkit etc.
Playwright completely supports Linux operating system thus making it a most preferred choice for developers working on servers, docker containers and virtual machines. Over the past many years Linux has been the most popular operating system for developers who give importance to open source environments, performance and efficiency.
Important Considerations for Linux
- Headless Automation: One of the key strength of Playwright is its ability to support headless test automation and it is the most common feature in Linux operating system. Headless mode allows the automated test scripts to execute in the absence of the Graphical User Interface(GUI), thus speeding up the tests which is very useful in server or CI environments.
- Chromium in Linux: Automation testers working on Linux operating system can easily run their test scripts on chromium based browsers. Playwright supports the updated version of Chromium in Linux thus ensuring latest features of browser for test automation process.
- Installation and Dependencies:In Linux playwright can be installed through npm and the entire setup process involves automatic installation of required dependencies. Additional configuration steps may also be needed based on the Linux distribution that is being used like Ubuntu, CentOS etc.
Organisations that are using Linux operating system for their servers and testing process can use playwright for end to end testing without worrying about any compatibility problems. In Linux Playwright has a robust support for CI/CD pipeline thus allowing seamless integration into Devops workflows.
4.Docker Containers
Even though docker is not regarded as a specific operating system, it has become one of the most preferred tool to run applications as well as playwright tests in remote environments. Playwright is compatible with Docker containers as a result of which it has become popular among developers to execute tests in a remote environment with proper dependencies.
Important Considerations for Docker
- Cross Platform Containerization: Playwright works effectively in Docker containers and there are various docker images available for Playwright. In other words Playwright can be packaged in the testing environments and be executed anywhere irrespective of local machine running windows, macOS and Linux. etc.
- CI/CD Integration: Docker containers are mostly used for creation od CI/CD pipelines and Docker support for Playwright results in seamless integration with CI/CD tools like Jenkins, Gitlab CI and Github Actions.
- Headless mode: Dockers execute in headless mode without UI thus making it perfectly compatible with Playwright for performing headless browser automation.
Using Docker testers can execute tests in isolated environments that perform actions on various operating systems and browsers thus providing an effective and flexible test setup.
5.Windows Subsystem for Linux(WSL)
Playwright provides proper support for developers working on Windows Subsystem for Linux. Using WSL Linux environment can be executed on Windows machine. This results in executing Linux based test environments without the need of any virtual machine.
Important Considerations for WSL
- Linux tools on Windows:Using WSL, Linux based tools as well as Playwright can be used directly in window operating systems.This results in execution of Linux based test environments without requirement of any virtual machines.
- Browser Compatibility:Playwright can execute headless browsers in WSL just like native linux systems. This enables developers to test applications in windows and linux environments.
WSL gives developers a proper approach of utilising strengths of both windows and linux operating systems and playwright effectively fits in this workflow.
Playwright’s compatibility with multiple operating systems makes it a more powerful and flexible automation framework for automation testing of advanced web applications. Developers and tests can write test scripts that works efficiently across various platforms, environments thus ensuring a comprehensive cross platform testing. Remember to practice, stay updated with the latest trends in Python with Playwright Course, and maintain a positive attitude throughout your interview process. Irrespective of operating systems used playwright ensures effective end to end testing of web applications and also provide effective and efficient browser automation.
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