
Automation Software Testing Course

Mastering automation testing through our extensive course can truly uplift your career and expand your skill set. With a strong ... Show more
22 Students enrolled
  • Description
Automation Software Testing Course

    Up-and-Coming Class Info
    Manish Kumar Tiwari
    80 hours
    Recorded Video Access
    1 Year
    Course Start Date
    18 March 2025
    Mon-Fri 7.45 pm -8.45 pm IST,

    About Automation Testing Course

    The online Automation Testing course with GroTechMinds is your pathway to becoming a true automation testing professional.In order to make sure that our course is both flexible and packed with useful information, we carefully built it with your success as our top priority making sure it is both understandable and filled with useful information.You'll be well-prepared to face challenges and accept the many possibilities in the field of automation testing.

    Automation Testing Course Outcome

    Automation Testing Tools

    About Automation Testing Course Features
    About Automation Course Syllabus

    Core Java and Essentials
    Installing Java and Installation of Eclipse,Intellij
    What are Tokens?
    What are its Advantages?
    How Java Internally works?
    How to run first program?
    How to store diffrerent datatypes in java?
    Variables, initilization and utilization?
    local,global and final variables?
    DataType,its size, how to calculate size
    What is public static void main(Main Method) 
    How methods can be created in Java 

    Static methods
    Non static methods
    Constructor overloading
    Java condition/Comparison Operators
    If else statement
    if else if 
    nested If else 

    Logical Operators
    Methods Overloading
    For loop-increment
    For loop-decrement
    For loop to print something
    While loop
    Single level inheritance
    Multilevel inheritance
    Multiple level inheritance
    Diamond Problem
    Hierarchical level inheritance
    Hybrid level inheritance
    Method Overriding
    Super keyword
    super calling statement parametrized
    Super calling for non parametrized
    Java Math class
    Switch case
    static initialization block and IIB
    String function
    String functions problems
    Return Type
    Math Functions
    this calling statement
    this calling statements vs super calling statements 
    super keyword vs this keyword 
    Understanding how to access methods from different class
    Access Specifier for methods
    Access Specifier for class
    Access Specifier for variables

    Advance Java Concepts

    String functions and its uses,
    String builder,
    String Buffer

    Array Advantages 
    Array program 
    Array program fetching values with looping concepts 
    Some interview related programs on Array 
    Astract Class 
    Concrete Class 
    Abstract methods vs Concrete Methods 
    How relation will take place between Concree Class and Abstarct Class 
    Some real time problems on Abstarct class and Concrete class 

    Interface methods
    Understanding inheritance between Absact class ,Concreate class and Interface 
    Some real time problems on Interface,Abstarct class and Concrete class 
    Achieving multiple level inheritance using interface 0.5 Interface evolution from Java 1 to 15

    Java polymorphism
    -compile time polymorphism
    -run time polymorphism

    Collection concepts
    Array list
    Priority Queue      Map Concepts

    Important Concepts in Java
    What is Object oriented programming language?
    Which languages are called as OOPS?
    Which languages are not OOPS?
    Primitive Type Casting
    Class Type  Casting
    Continue Keyword
    For Each Loop (Enhanced For Loop ) Checked and Unchecked Exceptions and their difference

    Selenium – Introduction and Launching Browsers
    Web Driver Architecture
    Selenium Components and Installing Web Driver
    Launching different Firefox, Chrome,IE
    Creating your first Script in WebDriver
    Launching some script in Firefox
    Launching some script in Chrome

    Finding Elements using Locators
    Locators – Types of Locators and Example
    1) ID
    2) Name
    3) ClassName
    4) TagName
    5) Css
    6) Xpath
    7) LinkText
    8) Partial LinkText

    What is Xpath
    When to Use Xpath
    Absolute Xpath and Relative Xpath – Examples and Advantages
    CSS Selectors – Advantages and Difference with Xpath Xpath nodes and axes

    Automating Web Element Operations
    Text Box, List Box,Links ,Radio Button ,Calendars
    Automating Links
    Automating Dropdowns
    How to handle Autosuggestion and click one
    How to count total no of links on a page using webdriver
    How to count total no of links on a page using webdriver and print them
    Fileupload pop up
    How to work on dropdown?
    How to handle java script pop up?                      Using JavaScript Executor to Set the Value Directly
    Using JavaScript Executor to Remove disabled Attribute      How to get the color of the component in selenium

    Handing hoverover
    How to Perform double click on the link without using click method
    How to Perform click on the link without suisng click method
    Count the no of options in a dropdown
    Robot Class
    How to enter url without get function
    How to do right click on any element
    How to takeyour mouse to any location
    Program to find out the Future Date/Past Date/Current Date

    Handling Alerts ,Frames and Multiple Windows
    Handling Alert and Types of Alert
    Handling Frames and Types of Frames
    Alert Functions-accept ,dismiss and getText
    Window Handle – Definations and Syntax
    Difference between Window Handle and Windowhandles
    Switching between Windows and Handling Elements present in Diff. Windows
    Switching between Windows and Handling Elements present in same browser  How to handle shadow DOM Element

    Synchronization in Automation scripts
    Wait types -Implicit wait , WebDriver Wait
    Thread.Sleep and Difference with wait methods
    Fluent Wait in Selenium Handling dynamic web elements in Selenium

    Data Driven Testing
    DDT-Data Driven Testing
    Configuring Apache POI Jars
    How to handle excel sheet
    How to craete test datas in excel sheet
    how to fetch values from excel sheet if its numeric
    NumberToTextConverter class

    Page Object Model(POM)
    What is POM?
    Why are we moving to POM?
    Creation of POM file in Testng
    Minimizing the code with POM
    Increasing the code reusability with the concept of POM  Integration of POM.xml with TestNG.xml
    Required Plugins to run on Jenkins

    TestNg – Overview
    Advantages of TestNg
    Installing TestNG in Eclipse
    TestNG Annotations
    TestNG Assertions
    Prioritizing Test Cases
    TestNG Parameters
    1) Priority
    2) Enabled
    3) InvocationCount
    Cross browser Testing
    Parallel Testing with TestNg
    Grouping the Test Cases based on what kind of scenerio it is
    TestNg Reports
    dependsOnMethods-Testng Depenedency
    DataProvider Annotation
    TestNG Listeners
    IRetryAnalyzer interface in testng
    timeOut parameter of TestNg
    Parameters Annotaion in TestNg
    what is difference between java project and maven project
    Broken frames in website

    Advanced Browser Configuration with ChromeOptions

    Introduction to ChromeOptions
    What is ChromeOptions?
     Why use ChromeOptions in Selenium?
    Running Chrome in Headless Mode
    What is headless mode?
    Running tests without a UI
    Use cases and limitations
    Disabling Browser Notifications & Infobars
    Handling “Allow Notifications” pop-ups
    Removing “Chrome is being controlled by automated test software” warning
    Handling Privacy & Security Settings
    Running Chrome in Incognito Mode
    Accepting Insecure SSL Certificates
     Disabling browser sandbox mode for CI/CD
    Customizing Browser Behavior
     Maximizing browser window at launch
    Setting language preferences
    Configuring Proxy Settings
    Setting up a proxy in Selenium
    Use cases of proxy-based testing

    Set Browser Language
    Setting up of Browser Language

    GIT HUB concepts
    Creating GIT HUB Account
    Basic GIT HUB commands
    Configuring and Interface Overview of GITHUB


    Jenkins Installation
    How to create your first job in Jenkins?
    How to run your local java programs in Jenkins?
    How to schedule your jobs in Jenkins?
    How to Integrate your Jenkins with GitHub?
    How to Integrate your Jenkins with GitHub to run Java Programs?
    How to Integrate your Jenkins with GitHub to run Selenium Programs? OR How to deploy your project or product in Jenkins ?

    Demo Session
    Who Should enroll this course
    Our Rockstar works at below companies
    Our Learners
    Hi I am Vrushali from the MAS_106 batch. The decision to take the course by Manish was really helpful. Manish is
    Read More... Hi I am Vrushali from the MAS_106 batch. The decision to take the course by Manish was really helpful. Manish is a really good teacher as well as a great motivator. He gave us tips and backed them with real-time scenarios so it was helping to grab concepts fast. I already had a job before joining the course. The purpose of the course was to understand things practically.
    Harshala Koktare
    Harshala Koktare
    Hello, I am Harshala Koktare and I enjoyed taking SoftwareTestingByMKT online course and found the trainer
    Read More... Hello, I am Harshala Koktare and I enjoyed taking SoftwareTestingByMKT online course and found the trainer excellent and could answer all questions asked and delivered the course in an interesting format. I've always wanted to give coding a go but it seemed really hard. This course has shown me that ANYONE can code!! I enjoyed the practical elements the best. I enjoyed the interaction and the fact that Manish gave tips and backed them up with real life scenarios. The Learning made me so confident that, post my course completion.
    Gouri Singh
    Gouri Singh
    GroTechMinds(MKT) is the best place to learn about software testing. I took a manual, API, SQL and automation ....
    Read More... GroTechMinds(MKT) is the best place to learn about software testing. I took a manual, API, SQL and automation course from MKT. After joining the classes, I got the confidence to face the interview and got selected. Thank you so much Manish sir for your guidance and support.
    Manisha Chourasiya
    Manisha Chourasiya
    I took the classes from GroTech Minds for manual, API and SQL courses. I would have to say that Manish sir is a very
    Read More... I took the classes from GroTech Minds for manual, API and SQL courses. I would have to say that Manish sir is a very genius person and a fabulous teacher. He has deep and practical knowledge in Software testing. He can understand all the technical terms even to a non technical person with different technical and non technical examples.
    Kajal Chhetri
    Kajal Chhetri
    Hi i was working in non IT but i was very much interested in testing profile so i found Manish sir videos for manual
    Read More... Hi i was working in non IT but i was very much interested in testing profile so i found Manish sir videos for manual testing and API they way he explained so understand then i enrolled his automation class the way he explained it is so easy to understand now i switch to one start up . I recommend everyone if you want to switch job to Testing profile ,learn from MKT sir.
    Payal Singh
    Payal Singh
    Finally got the job I was looking for for months. Got 39% hike and will be joining from June 2023. Thanks Manish..
    Read More... Finally got the job I was looking for for months. Got 39% hike and will be joining from June 2023. Thanks Manish sir, you are an excellent trainer. You start from scratch and make us build the castle
    It is really a very good opportunity to have you as a mentor. I have learnt so much and achieved a good job and a satisfying
    Read More... It is really a very good opportunity to have you as a mentor. I have learnt so much and achieved a good job and a satisfying package. Guiding us on the right path and almost giving us a life. I have recommended to many of my friends who are willing to switch their career to testing.
    GroTechMinds and Manish have really helped me gain a lot of confidence. From basics to advanced Manish has taken
    Read More... GroTechMinds and Manish have really helped me gain a lot of confidence. From basics to advanced Manish has taken tremendous effort to make us understand each and every concepts. With his guidance and support I have joined LTIMINDTREE as a Senior Consultant (SAP Automation Testing). I wish all of you a great success ahead.
    I have completed a Software Testing course form Gro TechMinds. The teaching process is excellent. I really .......
    Read More... I have completed a Software Testing course form Gro TechMinds. The teaching process is excellent. I really recommended to others to join Gro TechMinds. Thank you Neeki Ma'am and Manish Sir for your support and guidance.
    Tausif Shaikh
    Tausif Shaikh
    GroTechminds and Manish sir, is undoubtedly one of the best when it comes to teaching "Software testing". He teaches
    Read More... GroTechminds and Manish sir, is undoubtedly one of the best when it comes to teaching "Software testing". He teaches every concepts in detail and also he listen and clear our doubts after every class. He motivates and guides us throughout our testing journey.
    It was one of my best decisions to join "Software Testing by MKT" for a 2 months course. Being from a non-tech....
    Read More... It was one of my best decisions to join "Software Testing by MKT" for a 2 months course. Being from a non-tech background, it was very difficult for me to shift my career into the Information Technology industry. After finishing my course I was able to crack the very first interview I attended and got a job opportunity with Google as a QA Engineer. MKT is one of the finest teachers who explains all the concepts in layman terms which anyone can learn and understand easily.
    I enjoyed learning Automation, Manual, API and SQL courses which I was part of. It was in complete detail which made the testing
    Read More... I enjoyed learning Automation, Manual, API and SQL courses which I was part of. It was in complete detail which made the testing process easier to understand. I have gained very good knowledge being part of these courses.Thanks to GroTechMinds for the wonderful experience.
    I'm from Non-IT background and during the course period , I received help & support from MKT (instructor) which...
    Read More... I'm from Non-IT background and during the course period , I received help & support from MKT (instructor) which enabled me to attend multiple interview calls and was able to crack an interview and land a job. I'm grateful for the instructor's constant support,may God bless you.
    Darakhshan Mehar
    Darakhshan Mehar
    Manish always motivates us if he feels our energy level is low at certain times. the way he teaches is amazing even
    Read More... Manish always motivates us if he feels our energy level is low at certain times. the way he teaches is amazing even if anyone is not from an IT background they will understand each concept. Thank you so much Manish for keeping us motivated. Just because of you, I feel more confident and got a very good job Opportunity in Huawei with 30% Hike.
    Prema Patil
    Prema Patil
    Automation Testing course was very helpful for me to get placed in less time with more confidence..I have 4.5 years
    Read More... Automation Testing course was very helpful for me to get placed in less time with more confidence..I have 4.5 years of Experience in manual testing.Your way of teaching is very good.Please keep doing it. It will help to many people out there who are stuck in same position, with year gaps, with less confident. And I had received 2 offers for automation testing with 90% of hike, And for manual testing position got 120 % hike. Thank you so much for the knowledge and motivation we got from you.
    Jyothi C
    Jyothi C
    I followed Manish Sir for the past 3 years on YouTube and I like the way of explanation it make me understand better
    Read More... I followed Manish Sir for the past 3 years on YouTube and I like the way of explanation it make me understand better , I reached his team and enrolled the course Automation Testing using core Java, Manish sir is a constant source of inspiration and confidence booster. We are really grateful for you, Manish sir. In between his course itself I got a job as a Test Engineer
    Sarthak Das
    Sarthak Das
    I am thrilled to share the exciting news that I got an offer from Infosys as an Automation engineer with 100% hike
    Read More... I am thrilled to share the exciting news that I got an offer from Infosys as an Automation engineer with 100% hike. I just wanted to give all the credit to you "Manish". Your way of teaching, the way you explain each and every thing thoroughly, helps a lot to me. Your expertise and encouragement played a crucial role in shaping my skills and confidence, ultimately contributing to my success in the job search. I am truly grateful for the valuable lessons, practical insights, and positive learning environment you provided. Thank you once again for being an outstanding trainer.
    Darshan R
    Darshan R
    Never Give Up .Always Prepare properly for interviews Hike Received 60% in Etp International Pvt Ltd
    Read More... Never Give Up .Always Prepare properly for interviews Hike Received 60% in Etp International Pvt Ltd
    Download Brochure
    Get our brochure and take a look at our curriculum. We've designed it to ensure you gain valuable skills, plus we provide 100% job placement support. Start your journey to a successful career today!"
    Download Automation Testing PDF

      Frequently Asked Questions!

      Automated testing is a software testing technique that automates the process of checking the functionality of software and verifying keeping before it is launched into production. An organisation can use automated testing to execute certain software tests at a faster rate than human testers.

      Yes, Automation Testing good career option in the field of software testing. Because it has a top role in building software applications. Compared to the last 5 years Automation Testing industry has shown promising career opportunities in the field of Automation Testing.

      Automation Testing is the most valuable skill  for those who are looking to build a career in software testing. Somehow there are no particular rules to mastering the Automation Testing course. 

      In the automation testing industry, there are a number of automation testing tools. With the GroTechMinds Automation Testing course, students can learn and master the tools of Selenium, Java, Cucumber, and Framework. These are the top tools that are in huge demand in automation testing, and these are the tools our students are going to learn and become masters of.

      Yes, there are some points about making it always the best and different compared to any institute in the field of Automation Testing. We are the one ed tech e-learning platform focusing more on Technical knowledge for the software testing courses. We are the ones who achieved a silver button for the YouTube channel SoftwaretestingbyMKT and shaped over a million students’ careers in the field of software testing.

      Selenium is one of the key aspects of automation testing. It is also a well-known and most-used tool for automating web applications. By using this tool, it provides a framework for automation testing and supports multiple programming languages like Java, Python, C#, and many more. Learning selenium has a lot of benefits and will help grow your career in software testing.

      Frameworks are more essential in the growing field of automation testing. It has a major role in the software application because it helps to improve productivity, maintainability, and scalability. With the GroTechMinds Automation Testing course, students can become masters of TestNG framework Cucumber Framework, TDD Framework and BDD framework

      Yes, GroTechMinds’ online automation testing courses are in high demand among students. We started offering online automation testing courses and are committed to helping students achieve careers in automation testing. With GroTechMinds Online Automation Testing course Students can learn from industry experts.

      You need not follow other videos and sites for interview. We at GroTechMinds are conducting job centric mock interviews. In the mock interviews itself we are explaining the type of answers to be given for different questions and also teaching about the kind of expressions to be displayed while giving interviews. Apart from this our GrotechMinds mobile application also contains a variety of mock interviews to familiarize you with the type of questions that are usually asked in interviews. Even during your regular automation class also numerous interivew questions with answers will be given

      The answer is a big no. There is no need for any testing experience to learn the GroTechMinds Automation Testing course. We built our automation testing course, which helps you learn from the starting point to become a market-ready tester. On the basis of automation testing industry trends, we are adding highly valuable things to the automation testing industry. We are sure that with the GroTechMinds Automation Testing course, our students will be up-to-date in the automation testing field.

      Our GroTechMinds Automation Testing Course is designed as a way of researching the automation testing industry and tracking out the exact need for a real automation tester. In this manner, we have a structured syllabus for the Automation Testing course where students can learn from the basics of automation testing, tools, concepts, the industry of automation testing, and the real-life scenarios of automation testing.

      To become a market-ready tester, students should complete 3 months and 15 days of the time period. During this time period, students should attend classes and complete assignments. Then it is mandatory to do the real project assignments, which are helpful in building a resume and getting a job.

      In the GroTechMinds Automation Testing course, students will have the opportunity to access it for more than three years. This benefit will help students stay up-to-date with the automation testing industry and improve their automation testing career.

      Throughout the course there will be one on one interaction with your mentor regarding doubts on course related topics, interview preparation , resume preparation and job related issues. You will also be provided 24/7 access to Cross KT sessions so that your experience tremendous increase in your personality and confidence which will help in clearing the job interview and in turn result in cracking a job

      Interacting with students and participating in discussions about the subject is essential for improving their knowledge of automation testing. This is why we created the ‘Crosskt Section,’ where students can interact with trainers and participate in conversations regarding automation testing courses. This interaction will help students in gaining a better understanding of automation testing.

      Every aspiring automation testing student wants an industry-expert mentor who has experience in automation testing courses. Students at GroTechMinds will have the opportunity to learn from educators who have domain expertise in automated testing as a result of their industry experience. This will allow students to gain an in-depth knowledge of the Automation Testing course.”

      Theoretical learning of the Automation Testing course may not provide a thorough understand. Companies nowadays are looking for students who have hands-on experience in the field of Automation Testing. This is why GroTechMinds came up with a solution. The syllabus has been designed to promote practical learning. Students who enrol in our course will have the opportunity to work on real-time Automation Testing projects. When they finish these projects, they can add them to their resumes, growing their chances of getting a job.”

      After completing their course, every aspiring automation testing student deserves a career in automation testing. We recognize this need and have developed a well-structured program to create career opportunities. Students in the GroTechMinds course must attend all classes, complete assignments, and work on real-world projects. Then Our experts will help you with resume preparation, interview preparation, and common interview questions. You can apply for jobs based on your location with the help of our team, increasing your chances of success in interviews.

      in automation testing, we use special computer programs (testing tools) to run tests on software. These programs follow a set of instructions (scripts) that act like a human using the software. This helps us do the same tests over and over again very fast and without mistakes.

      Manual testing involves a human tester interacting with the programme in the same way that an end user would. Testers carry out various actions, monitor the outcomes, and report any problems they find.

      After completing the course, certification becomes one of the essential factors. Every certification adds value to students’ learning. GroTechMinds offers ISO Certification to students upon course completion. This certification not only allows students to showcase their skills but also enhances their job prospects.

      At the end of course you will be added into Grotech Minds jobs group in whatsapp where all automation related job openings will be posted daily. Also you need to add your course certificate and update your profile in your linkedin and account we will guide you up for placements

      For 2024, becoming a successful automation tester requires a particular skill set, so here we mentioned the skillset needed to become an automation tester. With GroTechMinds, you learn the skills of programming, test automation tools, test design and framework development, web technologies, continuous integration and continuous deployment, test management tools, soft skills, domain knowledge, agile and devOps, and certifications and become a master of them.

      Yes.  Non-IT background Students can also start a promising career in the automation testing industry. Basically, automation testing is specialized in a complete way in IT, and having a background in IT will be an advantage, but it’s not a strict requirement. In GroTechMinds we have a structured cycle for non-IT backgrounds and topics are explained in such a manner that non-IT background students can easily understand it, so that cycle will help to learn and lead the automation testing career for non-IT students.

      Yes sure. If you are passionate about the automation testing course, a career gap will not stop you from building a career in automation testing. It is more necessary to learn the skills, stay with the industry knowledge, and have domain knowledge about automation testing. With GroTechMinds, you can learn the skill set of becoming an automation tester, and with our real-time project, you can gain experience in automation testing, so these are things that will help you start a career in automation testing.

      As an educational technology firm, we offer a variety of courses, such as automation testing, manual testing, software development, and ethical hacking course , Automation Testing With Selinium Course  These courses have the goal of providing students with technical learning opportunities. What separates us is that all of our courses include real-time project-based learning supported by industry experts who serve as our instructors.

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      Course details
      Duration 80 Hours

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