
1.Find the Index of an Array Element in Java
					package arrayproblems;
public class IndexOfArrayElement {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int no[]=new int[5]; // we have taken an integer array and provided the fixed size of 5 to the array
no[0]=21; // here different  numeric values are given for each index position of array
int notobechecked=23; // for checking the presence of ‘23’ in the different positions of array 
for(int i=0;i<=no.length-1;i++) // forloop is used to check presence of ‘23’ in different positions of array 
{ // If ‘23’ is present in a particular index of array it will print below statement
System.out.println("This is the index of 23="+i);
{   // If ‘23’ is not present in a particular index of array it will print below statement

System.out.println("Sorry we could not find this element in array");
}} The below is the output of the above code snippet
Output: Sorry we could not find this element in array
       This is the index of 23=1
       Sorry we could not find this element in array
       Sorry we could not find this element in array
       Sorry we could not find this element in array

2. Calculate the average value of array elements
					 package arrayproblems;
public class AverageOfArrayElements {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int no[]= {10,5,10,15}; // we have taken an array of numbers and stored in int datatype 
int sum=0; // before printing average finding of sum is necessary so by default sum is assumed as ‘0’ and stored in int datatype 
for(int i=0;i<=no.length-1;i++) // for loop is used to print the sum of all given numbers in an array.
sum=sum+no[i]; // here the sum is the addition of given default sum and array indexes
System.out.println(sum); // it will print the sum of numbers in the array.
double average=sum/no.length; // for finding out the average of the array and since average will be in decimal so double datatype is taken
double reminder=sum%no.length; // for finding the remainder after dividing sum of array with length of array
System.out.println(average);// for printing average
System.out.println(reminder);// for printing reminder
The below is the output of the above code snippet
  Output:     40

3 .How to sort an Array in ascending and descending order.
					package arrayproblems;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
public class SortArrayInAscendingAndDescendingOrder {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String name[]= {"Ram","Laxman","Sita",}; // An array with string datatype is taken
Arrays.sort(name); // Before arranging the array it is necessary to sort the array
System.out.println(Arrays.toString(name)); // after sorting it is necessary to convert array to string using toString method 
Arrays.sort(name, Collections.reverseOrder()); // reverse order method is used to sort array in descending order
	System.out.println(Arrays.toString(name)); // after sorting it is converted to string using toString method and printed
} The below is the output of the code snippet
Output:       [Laxman, Ram, Sita]
              [Sita, Ram, Laxman]

4.Check if the given number is present in Array
					 package arrayproblems;
public class NumberPresent {
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		 int rollno[]=new int[3]; we have taken an integer array and provided the fixed size of 3 to the array

	 rollno[0]=10; // here different  numeric values are given for each index position of array

	 int numbertocheck=30; // for checking the presence of ‘30’ in the different positions of array 
	 for(int i=0;i<=2;i++) // forloop is used to check presence of ‘30’ in different positions of array 

	 {  // If ‘30’ is present in a particular index of array it will print below statement

	 System.out.println("number found"+rollno[i]);
	 { // If ‘30’ is not present in a particular index of array it will print below statement

	 System.out.println("No is not available"+rollno[i]);
}} The below is the output of the code snippet
Output:   No is not available10
          No is not available20
          number found30

5. Write a Java program to copy an array by iterating the array.
					package arrayproblems;
import java.util.Arrays;
public class CopyArrayByIterating {
public static void main(String[] args) {
		int no[]= {543,76,98}; // An array of 3 numbers is taken and stored in int datatype and stored in ‘no’ variable
		 int newarray[]=new int[3]; // Array object of size 3 and int datatype is taken and stored in ‘newarray’ variable
		 for(int i=0;i<=no.length-1;i++) // using forloop we are iterating the array
			 newarray[i]=no[i]; // after iteration arrays are copied
		 System.out.println(Arrays.toString(newarray) );// After copying the arrays it is being converted to string using toString Method and printed    
	} The below is the output of the code snippet
Output:[543, 76, 98]

6.How to take input for array using scanner class
					package arrayproblems;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class ArrayInputScanner {
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		int no[]=new int[3]; // Array object of size 3 and int datatype is taken and stored in ‘no’ variable

		Scanner s=new Scanner(; //Creation of Scanner class to give array input at runtime 
		for(int i=0;i<=2;i++) // for loop is taken to take human input at runtime thrice
			System.out.println("Enter the value");//to print the statement of entering value
			no[i]=	s.nextInt();	// an array value is given as input at runtime
		System.out.println(Arrays.toString(no)); // that array value is converted to string and printed in console after entering values at runtime
	} The below is the output of the code snippet
Output: Enter the value
        Enter the value
        Enter the value
       [4, 7, 8]

7.Find the maximum and minimum value of an array
					 package arrayproblems;
public class MinAndMaxValueInArray {
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		int no[]= {85,741,74,35,11,25}; // here numbers are taken in an array and stored in int datatype 
		int max=no[0]; 
		int min=no[0];
// to find maximum value  and minimum values in array teh default maximum and minimum value is taken as zero

		for(int i=0;i<=no.length-1;i++) // for loop is taken to find maximum and minimum values in array
			if(no[i]>max) // If the given number in each array index is greater than the default maximum value then below condition will occur			
			if(no[i]<max) // If the given number in each array index is less than the default maximum value then below condition will occur	
		System.out.println("This is maxumum no"+max);// For printing maximum value in array
		System.out.println("This is miniujm no"+min); // For printing minimum value in array

}  The below is the output of code snippet
    Output:   This is maxumum no741
              This is miniujm no25

8.Program to print the elements of an array in reverse order
					 package arrayproblems;
public class ArrayReverse {
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		int no[]=new int[5]; // Array object of size 5 and int datatype is taken and stored in ‘no’ variable
// the values for each array index is printed individually
	 for(int i=no.length-1;i>=0;i--) // for loop is taken in reverse order to print array in reverse order
	 {  // Since System.out.print does not move cursor in next line so print array in reverse order System.out.print is used and square bracket and spaces are given to print each reversed array numbers in square bracket and with spaces in between them 
	 	System.out.print(" "); 	
	} The below is the output of the code snippet
     Output:   [765] [98] [98] [23] [21] 

9.Check with 2 arrays if they are equals to each other
					package arrayproblems;
import java.util.Arrays;
public class ArrayEquals {
	public static void main(String[] args) {
          // Two equal arrays are taken and stored in String datatype and ‘name’ and ‘name1’ variables respectively.
		String name[] = { "Ram", "Laxman", "Sita", };
		String name1[] = { "Ram", "Laxman", "Sita", };
		System.out.println(name[0] + name[1] + name[2]);// here array elements of each index position of ‘name’ array is printed
		boolean asnwer = Arrays.equals(name, name1); // to check two arrays are equal to each other we use an array method called as  ‘equals’ method and store in boolean datatype
		System.out.println(asnwer); // for printing the value of whether 2 arrays are equal or not which will be true if equal or false if not equal. In this program since two arrays are equal it will give true value.
} The below is the output of the code snippet 
Output:     RamLaxmanSita


In conclusion, mastering array problems in Java is key for automation engineers to streamline their workflow and create efficient scripts. By understanding the concepts and applying the solutions we’ve shared in this blog, you can enhance your Java skills and approach array challenges with confidence. We hope this blog has provided you with valuable insights and practical tips to excel in your automation projects. Keep exploring, practising, and embracing the world of Java arrays – you’re well on your way to becoming a skilled automation engineer!

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