
API Automation with Rest Assured

Dive into the world of API automation with our dynamic Rest Assured course. Learn the fundamentals of sending HTTP requests, ... Show more
  • Description
Rest Assured API Testing

    Up-and-Coming Class Info
    Saurabh kandhway
    50 Hours
    Course Status
    Course Start Date
    14 Apr 2025
    Mon-Fri 7.30am to 8.30am IST
    10:00 PM - 11:00 PM Washington, DC, USA
    2:00 AM - 3:00 AM London, United Kingdom

    Rest Assured API Testing Course Overview

    API (Application Programming Interface) automation testing involves verifying that the APIs in a software application work as expected. APIs allow different software systems to communicate with each other, and API testing ensures that the interactions between these systems are reliable, efficient, and error-free with Rest Assured A popular Java library for testing RESTful APIs.

    Rest Assured API Testing Course Outcome

    Master Rest Assured API Testing Tools

    Rest Assured API Testing Features
    Rest Assured API Testing Syllabus

    Core and Advance Java
    Core Java and Essentials
    Installing Java and Installation of Eclipse,Intellij
    Java -OOPS concept and idea on JVM
    Detailed Programming Explaination of OOPs Concept
    OOP programming in Java
    Data types in Java
    Arrays in Java
    String Function
    Exception Handling
    File Operations in Java

    Advance Java Concepts
    Collection concepts
    Idea on types of List
    Idea on Set and types
    Idea on Maps

    Basics of API
    “What is REST API
    API testing terms
    Path Param
    Query Param
    Base URL & Endpoints
    HTTP methods”
    Basics of PostMan
    “Installation & Updates
    Postman Navigation
    Sending Your First Request
    Creating First Collection
    Sending API Requests
    Creating Requests
    Authorizing Requests
    GET Request in Postman
    Response in Postman
    Request Parameters
    POST Request
    Postman Cookies”
    Mock Server
    “Mock Servers
    Intro to Mock Servers
    Setting Up a Mock Server
    Get Response in Mock Server”

    HTTP Request ,Response and Client Server Protocol
    “Client Server Architecture and HTTP Protocol
    HTTP Request
    HTTP Response”

    Setting up Rest Assured
    “Configure Eclipse with Rest-Assured
    REST API Test using Rest Assured
    Validate Response Status using Rest Assured
    Validate Response Header using Rest Assured
    Read JSON Response Body using Rest Assured”


    Serialization and Deserialization in Rest Assured
    “POST Request using Rest Assured
    Serialization and Deserialization in Java
    Deserialize Json Response
    Authentication and Authorization in REST WebServices
    PUT Request using Rest Assured
    DELETE Request using Rest Assured”

    Validating Response in Rest Assured
    “What is JSON?
    JSONPath and Query JSON using JSONPath
    Expressions in JSONPath
    Deserialize JSON Array to List
    Deserialize JSON Response to an Array”
    Spec Builder in Rest Assured

    “Cucumber and BDD
    Cucumber -Overview and idea
    Installing Cucumber in Project
    Understanding Cucumber hooks,tags
    Cucumber PICO container
    Cucumber Reports “

    “Creating an End to End framework on Rest Assured with BDD Cucumber
    Creating feature files with gherking keywords and generating step definition
    Adding capabilities like utilities , property files ,Constants in the framework
    Creating a runner class for executing the feature files
    Generating Cucumber and Extent report for the framework”

    “CICD implementation in Automation Framework
    Jenkins Overview
    Idea on build and Release Pipelines
    Creating a Pipeline with Jenkins”

    “GIT HUB concepts
    Creating GIT HUB Account
    Basic GIT HUB commands
    Configuring and Interface Overview of GITHUB “

    Who Should enroll this course
    Our Rockstar works at below companies
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    Get our brochure and take a look at our curriculum. We've designed it to ensure you gain valuable skills, plus we provide 100% job placement support. Start your journey to a successful career today!"
    Download API Rest Assured PDF

      Frequently Asked Questions!

      API: Application Programming Interface. It is a procedure which
      enables software components to communicate and transfer data
      and it allows communication between two applications. When the
      UI is absent postman tool is used as a client to test the

      1. Soap: Simple Object Access Protocol, we can communicate with
      any server. This uses http methods, XML based protocol, uses xml
      format only. Response time is more and not best for CRUD
      2. Rest: Representational state protocol. Rest API is popular now
      adays. It uses XML, JSON, HTML, Text, JavaScript. Response time is
      less. Best for CRUD operations

      API testing validates Application Programming Interfaces. It is used
      to check the functionality, performance and security of the
      programming interfaces. It mainly focuses on the business logic in
      applications, where UI is absent. GUI is mainly focused on look n feel,
      but API focuses on response time security and business logic.

      This is a simpler and quite easy API. When we automate rest api it is
      called restful services. When a request is sent from the client, an
      appropriate response is sent back from the server. To automate rest
      api we need rest assured libraries. Usually contains a json body. To
      create, read, update and delete information restful service uses http
      methods like get,post,put and delete.

      1 . API provides the security.
      2 . API checks the authentication and the data that we are passing.
      3 . We can hit lots of APIs in less time, so time effective.
      4 . API helps to avoid data breaching.
      5 . We can use the response of one API to another API.

      1 . End points are the different service urls which are used to hit the
      URL with domain uri.
      2 . It’s a way for different systems and applications to communicate
      with each other , by sending and receiving information via the

      1 . GET- used to get the data
      2 . POST- used to create data
      3 . PUT- used to update the data
      4 . DELETE – used to delete the data

      Status codes represent the response, whether the http request
      has been successfully completed. These are successful
      responses (200-299), server-side error responses (500 -599)
      and client side error responses (400-499). Redirection
      messages (300-399), Informational responses (100-199).

      We pass the data in Rest API testing in the form of JSON format.
      This is language independent. JSON data is in the form of key n
      value pairs separated by a colon.
      JSON data can be easily sent between computers, and used by
      any programming language. We can send a JavaScript object
      in pure text format.

      Authentication involves confirming the identity of the client sending
      a request. some APIs require auth details . It will be more robust and
      stronger. In market different types of autherisation avilable.

      This query parameter helps us to query based on certain criteria.
      We can filter the data. We can limit the results by giving query
      parameters. We can filter the result by giving this. In the params tab
      we can give a query parameter.

      1 . API is used to communicate between two systems. We pass the
      http request, Json body, header and auth details to send the request.
      2 . Response body contains the data sent by the server. It contains
      the status codes, time duration and errors . if any errors are there it
      will give the details.

      Reusability, reduce the complexity, open close principle – it says
      that don’t change the old functionality to add new functionality.
      single responsibility principle -improves the reusability and

      To become a market-ready tester, students should complete 3 months and 15 days of the time period. This time duration is where we are focusing completely on real-time learning. During this time period, students should attend classes and complete assignments. Then it is mandatory to do the real project assignments, which are helpful in building a resume and getting a job.

      1 . All web application come under 3 layer architecture .In this we
      will have client layer can be called as presentation layer Database
      layer in between these two we will have business logic layer or
      middle layer
      2 . When we send the request from client layer , corresponding
      business logic will be executed business logic layer contain
      business logic in the form of programs depends upon your type of
      request corresponding business logic will be triggered and that will
      pass your request to the server which is database server and again
      business logic will get the data and provide the response to the

      1 . Client is a machine from where we can initiate the request and it’s a physical
      computer, we can just pass the request from the client .
      2 . server is the storage area which is also a physical computer which contains
      actual data .

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